Where the summer camp idea began...
The Problem:
Learning a string instrument was high risk. Kids couldn’t try it without their parents getting locked into an instrument rental contract or committing to a semester of lessons.
The Result:
1. Talented kids were passed over. Some parents didn’t believe the risk was worth taking, so they never rented an instrument or paid for lessons. Those kids have since grown into adults, and now listen to music with longing hearts wishing they could turn back time and do it all over. On occasion, those adults will enroll themselves in lessons, however they almost always quit because they simply don't have the time.
2. Uninterested kids were forced to play. Often, parents throw their children into a number of activities in order to “see what sticks.” This is totally understandable as it's hard to know which activities will excite your children. Some kids try music in a traditional setting and discover rather quickly that it is not their thing. Those parents don’t want to lose their money so they force their children to continue. The kids are miserable at their lessons, parents are frustrated, and the teachers try to fake a smile while equally dreading the lesson.
The Solution:
After pondering these problems, we decided to launch StringTime Summer Camp- a place where kids can try the violin or cello for 5 days with highly specialized teachers, learn music theory and history, and enjoy faculty concerts all without committing to a long-term instrument rental contract. You don't know if your children will like playing an instrument unless they try. StringTime is their opportunity.
With joy,
Lourdes de la Peña and the StringTime Family